
[cms_custom_heading subtitle_default=”” add_border=”1″ ttext-align=”text-left” tfont-weight=”500″ title=”Country Clock (K) Limited” tfont-size=”30px”]

Country Clock Kenya limited is an undisputed Kenyan innovation a brain child of young entrepreneurs that was incorporated in 2012 aimed at taking care of the void in offering superior Indoor and Outdoor advertising, marketing solutions,

Installation and service of customized time distribution systems providing Innovative, Visible and real time advertising services hosted on clocks.

Our main objective is to deliver a highly visible and visually attractive image of our customers’ products and services through creative artistic impression through our clocks in real time in a win-win-win situation.

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[cms_custom_heading subtitle_default=”” add_border=”1″ ttext-align=”text-left” tfont-weight=”500″ title=”WHAT WE DO” tfont-size=”20px”]

Non Customized Clock Units

Customized Clock Units

Modern Signage Board with Clock

Garden City Roundabout

Thika Road Mall Clock

Duruma Accra Road

Two Rivers Clock

Yaya Centre Clock

Uhuru Highway

[cms_custom_heading heading_style=”style4″ show_icon=”” title_color=”#323232″ tfont-weight=”400″ small=”” title=”If you’d like to see more of our work, or tell us about your project just drop us a line.” tfont-size=”26px” tline-height=”34px”]
[cms_button title=”Contact Us” btn_type_theme=”btn-theme-primary” size=”btn-lg” align=”center” button_block=”” border_radius=”5px” button_bg=”” add_icon=”” border_button_round=”” link=”url:%3Fpage_id%3D2|title:Read%20More||”]
[cms_custom_heading subtitle_default=”” add_border=”1″ ttext-align=”text-left” tfont-weight=”500″ title=”OUR CLIENTS” tfont-size=”20px”]

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We’d love to keep you updated with our latest clock advertising products and offers 😎

We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for more info.